Ellsworth Farmers Market Schedule

Regular market season:

May 4th to Nov 23,2024.

190 Main Street, Ellsworth,ME. Every Saturday from 9:30am-12:30pm

Spring market season: April 6th and April 20th. 

190 Main Street, Ellsworth,ME. Every Saturday from 9:30am-12:30pm

Customers using SNAP benefits and WIC can use these benefits at the Ellsworth Farmers Market. For more information, call 667-9212. We also accept EBT payments and credit cards. 

Attention vendors: join the Ellsworth Farmers Market

If you would like to join the Ellsworth Farmers Market as a vendor, please visit our Membership page. Submit your application via email: gunjanj2002@yahoo.com. To save trees and environment, we prefer email communications or even phone calls. 

Membership is subject to vote. Thanks.