Enjoy a fine selection of organic, in-season vegetables, flowers and fruit at the Ellsworth Farmers Market. Many vegetables are harvested the same day you find them at the market. The following farmers provide vegetables and fruits at the market. Fruits include apples, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and peaches.
Some farms such as Happy Town Farm,Wise acre farm also provide CSA. Please make sure you sign up for your share in early spring by calling them or visiting their booth.
Some farms such as Happy Town Farm,Wise acre farm also provide CSA. Please make sure you sign up for your share in early spring by calling them or visiting their booth.
Ancient Heritage- Amanda Marden. Veggies, herbs and handmade greeting cards.
itesdawta@aol.com Phone: (707)489-0925.
Autumn Moon Farm and Flowers- Mellissa Petrik. Herbs, vegetables, seedlings, pesto.
Email: autumnmoonsfarm@gmail.com Phone: 479-5948
Garden Side Dairy- Kim and Donald Roos, Ph 434-2674. Email:kimroos86@gmail.com Blueberries.
Happy Town Farm - Paul and Karen Volckhausen, Ph 667-9212, Email: happytownfarm@escrap.com.
MOFGA certified organic produce, organic pork and lamb, fruits, maple syrup, and cut flowers.
The Fountain Farm-Clark Fountain, Jordan Mercer, Ph 266-1212 or 266-8613.
fountainfarm207@gmail.com MOFGA certified organic produce, herbs, fruits, blueberries.
Schoodic Hollow Farm- Becka Gagne and Garen Heller. Local grown farm fresh veggies, seedlings, garlic, various greens and in season flowers, homemade lotions, massage creams, apple cider vinegar and hot sauces. Ph: 408-3261 or 249-2487.
Email: schoodichollow@gmail.com
Weber Farm - Chuck Weber, Email: chuckweberfarm@gmail.com. MOFGA certified organic produce, flowers, and seedlings. Ph 667-7081.
Wise Acres Farm - Brittany Hopkins and Joy Trueworthy, Email: wiseacresgarden@gmail.com, MOFGA certified organic veggies, herbs and fruits. Ph 730-6214.
Photo credit for Paul Volckhausen picture goes to Steve Fuller. Read about Paul in this Ellsworth american article